Sunday, April 3, 2011

I heart Paula Deen at 5:30am

First of all, I am up way too early.  My eyes cracked open and looked at the clock at 4:30 and, as of 5am, I gave up the fight to try and go back to sleep, and made coffee instead. 

This is what happens when I work graveyards.  I spend Monday through Friday go, go, going and then Saturday I sleep from the time I get home, around 9:30am, and then wake up at 7pm.  By this time, the kids are winding down for bed and The Husband is about to crash out in bed.  But not me, I'm wide awake and ready to go!  I take the kids and get them started on their bedtime routines, baths, pjs, one last tv show, a feeding, medicines, etc.  Then the kids are in bed sounds asleep.  Mostly because the doctor has them on medicine that knocks them out because they are both sick. 

So, the kids are in bed...

The Husband is in bed...

This is no fun.

So I resign myself to going back to bed with The Husband and snuggling with him because I've missed doing that for a week.  Snuggling leads to sleep.  We're old people with two kids, so yes, snuggling leads to snoring, damn young kids!

That is why I'm awake at this ungodly hour.  When nothing is on television but infomercials, reruns of how-to shows and Fox News, because that's always on...  But thank God for Food Network and their reruns of Paula Deen!  I heart Paula Deen.  Simple.  She's like my Momma, actually.  They both cook, talk, act and have very similar mannerisms. 

Imagine growing up in a home with a Southern mom who cooked enough for an army, was kinda pervy but in a secret not-that-kids-will-get-it way, and always cooked a good meal, even if she worked her butt off for 12 hours as a nurse.  Yes, that was my Momma.  Now she cooks all healthy because my Daddy had a stroke and he has to keep his weight down, but I still think of my Momma as the cooking Momma of my childhood.

So, as you can imagine, when I watch Paula Deen, it's like sitting in the kitchen with my Momma.  I've thought about writing Paula Deen and telling her this, but she probably has enough crazy people writing her as it is.

So, speaking of which, have you guys seen the latest meme about Paula Deen?  Let me show you...

Yes, that up there is Paula Deen riding things, and it is one of the latest memes on the internet.  It originally stemmed from this encounter with Robert Irvine...

Ah Paula, you make my heart sing!  You can find some images of Paula Deen riding things here.  Or just search google like I did.  Hilarity WILL ensue.

So, where was I?  Oh yes, so it's entirely too early and I am entirely too caffeinated right now and this post went off in a completely odd direction from where it was supposed to go, but at least it's here, right?

I've decided that I am taking this blog too seriously, when I read through my previous posts, I noticed that I sounded like I was talking to a business colleague and trying to write a book in blog form.  This should not be.  Instead, I am going to change this banter, and use this blog to talk.  Because this was originally not meant to be "businessy", it was meant to document my walk through writing a book.  And it is, but now perhaps it can be a little easier to digest, now that I am talking to you guys and not talking at you guys.

The change was brought along by this wonderful blogger I found, named Allie.  I heart Hyperbole and a Half.  I heart this Allie girl.  But I will probably never tell her.  lol.  Probably.  I was inspired by her openness and willingness to lay it all out there.  Thank you, Allie.

Well, I had better get off to cleaning the house so the girls and I can make tutus!  Because today is prime tutu making weather! 

Want to make a tutu too too?  lol!  No.  That was too silly.  Here's a video!

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