Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why "Here There Be Dragons"?

Well, if you know anything about sayings and phrases, you'll know this about that phrase...
It's about the unknown...the fear of places uncharted...and that's right where I'm headed, so if you're brave, follow me on my adventure, if not, walk the plank!

Seriously though, let me tell you honestly, I named it that because, yes, I am heading into the unknown and uncharted territories of my life.  First and foremost I am a mother to two wonderful little girls.  Katie, who is ten, hysterically funny and a dancing machine!  And Sammi, who is, as of this post, 4 months old and a little cuppycake of joy!  I am a wife to Michael, who is in several bands as lead guitarist and supporting vocals, although he should be fronting, but then, I'm biased!  ;)  I work full time in the human services field and hope one day to reach my goal of becoming a school counselor.  I am a part time student.  Yeah, there's a lot going on here.  And it's scary!

When I was younger I used to write stories, horror stories, to be exact.  And I was always told that they had a lot of suspense and were, well, terrifying.  Well, my books I was working on, since I was about 12, were destroyed after 5 long years working on them.  I hit a mental block after that and could no longer write.  Now, for some reason, I have been having these dreams about, well, stuff...and it makes for what I think may be an excellent book!  So here I am...

Starting on a book...

Look out dragons, I be comin' fer ye!

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