Saturday, February 26, 2011

When you are open to inspiration... can come to you from anywhere, and I mean, ANYWHERE!

The novel I am brainstorming on has a few twists and turns in it that I don't expect, nor want, the reader to anticipate.  So I won't divulge any information in a public forum.  For now, the ideas and thoughts and research specifics will remain within my leather bound book until I can gather it up and place it all into word.  But, I can say where I am pulling from without giving away too much.  Take today for example, and it's inspiration...

I am sitting in a history class that I am taking to complete my general education units for my degree.  Simple, yes?  Seems like no inspiration could come from here, right?  I said I wrote horror stories, if you recall.  Well, there I am in this seemingly meaningless little 3 hour and 5 minute class, when the book creeps into my mind.  I start thinking "Man, I really need a tie in for this..." or "I'd love to add some more detail and background to that..." when, all of the sudden, we start learning about Puritans, Protestants and Catholics.  My eyes immediately opened wide as the professor talked and I jotted down as fast as I could all that he was saying!  I couldn't write fast enough!  There were ties that I could lead with here and there, sprinkled all throughout his lecture!  Never mind that I should be more concerned with passing the quiz at the next class meeting, I have a book to write!  At the end of the class, it didn't even matter that I was running on 23 hours of no sleep and fumes, I had some more inspiration and jumping points, I had some divine guidance.  I wasn't going to go to class today...

Friday, February 25, 2011

How I became inspired, thank you Michael

My husband is a wonderful man, let me just say that right from the jump.  He listens to what I say and, with perfect timing, shows me just how much he listens to me.  Now, if you must know anything about me, know this, I am someone who is big on "inspiration".  What I mean is, I have to be inspired in order to do things.  If I'm going to clean house, I have to have some cleaning "inspiring" music playing.  If I'm going to work on homework, I have to have some homework inspiring snacks to munch on.  And if I'm going to write, I have to have something to write my ideas in that inspires my ideas. 

My husband never ceases to amaze me with his incredible listening skills.

About a month ago, we were laying in bed, just thinking and talking before going to bed and I ran down the story I had running through my head for a few years now.  I told him the ins and outs, the ups and downs, the tie ins, the references I wanted to make and he even helped me by contributing and bouncing ideas off me.  It was a fantastic way to go to sleep!

So, flash forward to Valentines Day...

It's been a horrible day for me.  I had to work that night at midnight to start a graveyard shift at work, I was stressed out because I had an exam the next day at school in my worst subject (math, argh!), Sammi (our 4 month old) decided that now would be a great time to go on a nursing strike, and Katie (our 10 year old) was having some issues at school with her friends and boys and, well, you get the picture.  On top of all that, I had my first "womanly visitor" start 3 days prior and it was my first one since Sammi was born, so it was horrible! I bought my husband 2 mylar balloons that said "I Love You" in ballooney letters and "Happy Valentines Day" on the other, I bought food for breakfast, grits, eggs, biscuits and fruit.  Hubby wasn't hungry.  So instead we cuddled in bed and talked.

Later that day he decided he wanted to go and "get something".  So he takes Katie and heads out, leaving me with Sammi and about 5 hours before I have to leave for work.  He comes back, and I'll admit, I was a little miffed because I should be getting some sleep before work, but he's trying to do something nice and I've gotten used to running on no sleep and fumes from Tuesday through Saturday, so I'll deal.  He bought our daughters gifts and gave them their gifts, then he hands me a bag.  It was cute because it was a silver bag (I hate gold) and he wrapped both my gifts the way I normally wrap gifts, with the tissue paper popping out of the bag, it was cute!  I opened the small one first on his request and it was an artist I had been listening to recently who is really my inspiration music right about now, Cee-Lo Green "Ladykiller".  YES!  And, after many thanks and kisses, I open the next one...

It is a leather bound journal, with a romanesque picture on's so's so's so inspiring!

He says "I think you need this because it will help you write down your ideas for your book.  I hope this helps you get your mind going.  Do you like it?"  I SO like it!  I love it!  Wow...I'm in shock almost...he listened and  I have the worst memory when it comes to stuff like that, but, to him, it's like second nature.  I admire him for that, and I love him for that too! 

My family is very supportive, they are the reasons I go without sleep for days on end, they are why I work my butt off to work and go to school the way I do.  They are my support and my inspiration, and they are why I am starting this journey.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why "Here There Be Dragons"?

Well, if you know anything about sayings and phrases, you'll know this about that phrase...
It's about the unknown...the fear of places uncharted...and that's right where I'm headed, so if you're brave, follow me on my adventure, if not, walk the plank!

Seriously though, let me tell you honestly, I named it that because, yes, I am heading into the unknown and uncharted territories of my life.  First and foremost I am a mother to two wonderful little girls.  Katie, who is ten, hysterically funny and a dancing machine!  And Sammi, who is, as of this post, 4 months old and a little cuppycake of joy!  I am a wife to Michael, who is in several bands as lead guitarist and supporting vocals, although he should be fronting, but then, I'm biased!  ;)  I work full time in the human services field and hope one day to reach my goal of becoming a school counselor.  I am a part time student.  Yeah, there's a lot going on here.  And it's scary!

When I was younger I used to write stories, horror stories, to be exact.  And I was always told that they had a lot of suspense and were, well, terrifying.  Well, my books I was working on, since I was about 12, were destroyed after 5 long years working on them.  I hit a mental block after that and could no longer write.  Now, for some reason, I have been having these dreams about, well, stuff...and it makes for what I think may be an excellent book!  So here I am...

Starting on a book...

Look out dragons, I be comin' fer ye!